Farmer makes biogas from

mono manure digestion

BASgas collects this and

turns it into Green gas

Cooperation Farmer and BASgas

  • BASgas focuses on cooperation with farmers as from 100 dairy cows
  • The farmer produces raw biogas from mono manure digestion. For this, the farmer invests in a digester and, if necessary, stable floor modification (hourly manure disposal). BASgas buys the raw biogas for a fixed price.
  • At the farmyard, BASgas places its own installation for gas purification and reprocessing. BASgas then arranges transport to its own regional gas grid feed-in points. The gas is sold to a power company.
  • BASgas supports the farmer and coordinates the chain. The chain is certified from farmer to BASgas.

Biogas and Green gas

Biogas results from digestion of biomass such as manure and plant residues and forms the basis for Green gas.
In several steps, biogas is upgraded to Green gas, which has the same composition as natural gas.

The Netherlands wants to produce much more Green gas soon

  • Reduction CO2 emissions and reduction geo-political dependence
  • Part of European sustainability agreements
  • Current production is < 20% of the Dutch target by 2030!
  • Without strong growth of manure digestion, the target will not be met
  • Over 80% of manure volume comes from cows

Make way for mono manure digestion!

The dairy sector needs and wants to become more sustainable

  • Farmers face increasing manure surplus
  • Manure disposal is increasingly expensive => business continuity is at risk
  • Manure disposal is wasteful due to loss of nutrients
  • Self-processing of manure is the solution with biogas production as the logical first step
  • Revenue model biogas
  • Continuity family business

BASgas unleashes the Green gas potential of farmers as from 100 dairy cows

  • Half the potential lies with farmers with 100-200 dairy cows, but they do not yet digest
  • Standalone Green gas production under 400 dairy cows is not financially feasible
  • Green gas feed-in is far from possible everywhere due to limitations of the gas grid
  • BASgas brings the solution with technical and organisational innovation
  • As from 100 dairy cows
  • Less hassle for the farmer