Produce Biomethane

For livestock farmers who want to produce biomethane via manure mono-digestion

How it works

To reduce emissions, a livestock farmer transports manure and urine to a sealed area as soon as possible. Less ammonia emissions, less methane emissions. In a gas-tight manure storage, methane is captured and through digestion processes methane mixed with carbon dioxide, is created. This process can already be implemented in the form of a manure bag storage.

BASgas offers the solution to flexibly valorizing the biogas. A livestock farmer produces much more biogas than is needed for farm consumption. This biogas can thus be supplied to third parties with the BASgas solution.

BASgas SOLUTION, rental of:

  • BOK

    a Biogas Upgrading and Compression Unit (Biogas Opwaardeer- en Kompressie)

  • BOT

    the Storage & transportation unit (Biogas Opslag en Transport)

  • BIG

    the Biogas Feed-in Gas train unit (Biogas Invoeding Gasstraat)

Check out our brochure

Do you have any questions?

Would you like to know more about our solutions and capabilities? Then contact us now!
  • BOK

    a Biogas Upgrading and Compression Unit

You deliver the biogas, we take care of the purification and storage
  • BOT

    the Storage & transportation unit (Biogas Opslag en Transport)

Storage, transport and sale of biogas in trusted hands
  • BIG

    the Biogas Feed-in Gas train unit (Biogas Invoeding Gasstraat)

Renewable gas available where you need it

Register as a producer

Take advantage of the opportunity to reduce emissions and sell biogas. As a dairy or pig farmer, you can digest manure to produce biogas. This can be done in a manure bag or in a digester. You can find more information about how much gas you can produce at the key figures.

With mono manure digestion, BASgas can process and sell the biogas for you. BASgas will find a buyer for your sustainable biogas in your region. You will not have to invest in the biogas processing, nor will you spend time on maintenance and hassle with the biogas. You can register as a producer if you already have a digester/manure bag or plan to invest in mono digestion.


Producing biogas: key figures

One cow’s manure provides per year:

0 Nm3
0 Ltr
0 Kg
Natural Gas
0 Nm3

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